Please Excuse Me

Since January 2024 moving in time up to today I've been caught in a sickness due to a few reasons, I'm simply calling them 'stress'. Please admit your pardon when I could not participate in the opportunity for an available relationship or friendship even the most valuable ones. My beginnings in acquaintanceships to friendships should start at my healthy level. A long vacation will cure my stress for health. Better years in the future will give me the chance for the readiness to work with each other to meet your, or your and my harmonious goals.



Below is an illustration where my new chosen colors appear. It's active temporarily. The 3 colors have meaning only for a few persons. I've broken all communication with Sapphy. Her life is no further my business - since June 23. The Public are free to wear these 3 colors without meanings attached or with having a neutral meaning - without any reference to me.

I ask, for about the next 3 months, that Mistpar to please adhere to his chosen colors.
[Mr. Particular = Mr. P. = MP = Mistpar]
I'll take the darker shade of brown or similar as a chocolate brown - the reason doesn't involve Sapphy.
* Mistpar has 5 colors. He has a new color he's free to use and enjoy, of the 5.

Although, it appears he pursues to gain more.
I will give a general precaution, that global colors and global symbols should remain as the property of and in the hands of everyone.
* Here's an extreme hypothetical question: If it happened, that Mistpar would choose every global color and symbol to represent him, what is the eventual effect?
Here's an example of a past day. Smiley faces were invented many decades ago before Mistpar's logo. Yet today I'm unable to use or post the tiniest smiley face as I normally would do in a private area (even like an email) without the belief to Mistpar that I'm signaling him for a friendship. Mistpar forces friendships, so I permanently stopped using smiley faces.
Here's an example, #2. If I accidentally use Mistpar's color in the slightest, Mistpar immediately responds by an obvious expression of signaling me for a friendship. Then anyone who sees both my accidental color I used added to Mistpar's response would believe him and I are accepting to be best friends.
Motivation to any person who sights both is to naturally push me into a friendship, though it was all started by a minute accident.

The Member

Here is a metaphor. Color can represent a car or a website's membership service. If you use it plenty of times or continually eventually some payment is due.

The consequence is, when you use his color as support, it's analogous to an initiation into friendship, or an automatic membership of being his friend.
Display his colors and symbols long enough it appears you are his real friend. He may believe he's responsible for you. He may make your decisions or decide for you.
As his friend, in return as payment to compensate him the form may come in the request for all your attention, all your effort and work, or in more practical terms what probably is due from you is potentially too pay a bit of money for his merchandise, with a nice design of symbols. Since you are his friend, you will do anything for him.
To have every color and symbol represent one man expresses the meaning only one man is valuable, and of all men and women in the world past and present only he deserves attention. My belief is, valuable people exist everywhere each who deserve our complete attention - like a spouse, child, best friend, or boyfriend/girlfriend.

Global colors and symbols reserved for everyone to freely use should stay free. If Mistpar owns them, your use of the color automatically starts a membership as his friend where some unexpected payment may eventually be due. For me, it alleviates the burden to be casual enough to put on colors or symbols naturally and comfortably without any thought.

* I recommend to Mistpar, he's chosen 5 colors. That's okay. The next step would be to courteously allow or release the remaining colors for valuable people in the world to freely use.

Have a nice summer.


Message to Mistpar

In a lifetime, I've encountered this once. It's a super one-sided attempt for friendship without considering my feelings by an ounce. We agree this is force. By his own words he actually used the word "force" to describe it, he knows forcing friendships is wrong. For 3.5 years he has been forcing a friendship, with the result of increasing to my eventual harm. Love is thinking of the other person. To harm someone is not love. A friend doesn't consistently hurt someone. I will kindly ask again:
"Mistpar please discontinue in your friendship towards me."


Note: These 3 colors of my drawing are free to use by the public with no reference to me. The meaning of the colors are established for only certain people. Sapphy has left since June 23, and communication with her has left also.


Posted: July 19, 2024, 11:30am PDT
Update: Sept 2, 11pm pdt -- 3 stars / asterisks ( * ) were added | 12pm
