Religions From Asia are universally acknowledged 4 main religions: Krishna created Hinduism; Buddha created Buddhism. Here, Hinduism and Buddhism are paired. According to Hinduism, God is broken into 3 parts: Islam and Christianity have the same God but with a differing foremost prophet. God incarnate or prophet speak faithfully the mind of God. Native The major population in America are Christians. Over years, as an American I had been exposed to the Christian God and like every American I would naturally absorb some understandings, plus recently I did some digging for specifics of info. In a little while, I express some opinions on this page to the public. Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God. Similar to other religions, Jesus spoke the thoughts of God, who explained subjects that could equally apply to other religions that are as devoted to Him. Included is the subject of marriage. In the first stage is survival: a man first fights for land. After survival, men fight for the nicer benefits or comforts of life. God created marriage. He granted priests the authority to unite by marriage a man and woman into a contract of commitment. Where men are prone to fight or compete, marriage gives man the relief by ownership of woman to never fight for her ever again. Across any religion if marriage is bound by its version of the Creator it is also given His protection. If ever any man becomes jealous to wish at acquiring the possession of someone else's spouse, then decides to break the sanctuary and bound of marriage between man and woman, that man goes against God who bound them. To break it is considered a sin. Therefore, each man can find in his spouse a trustworthy haven. The civility of America includes that to any height and level of temptation, regardless inside or outside of marriage every man should honor and preserve the treasury of marriage. Whenever we would find the ideal couple in marriage, as one whole they should be cherished, encouraged, and safeguarded. Compare What's also valued and can potentially outweigh the benefits of man and woman in permanent matrimony is a flexible and lenient friendship. Many goals or pursuits including in recreation can be done with a good friend. Thanks for reading.
_____ Posted: August 12, 2024, 11:40am pst