

Ladies and Gentlmen:

I present 3 blogs about "Mr. Particular Person" : assist, assist 2, assist 3

Only yesterday, did I find the sad news of Mr Particular's life, in this month of November.
In November, when I created the blogs on "P Page", including all the "probas", "RE-responsible", "ABOUT respons.", I didn't know about this important event.
This includes on a morning I said, "A friendship between him and I will not ever happen," on November 7. ["RE-responsible"] I didn't have info about it.

The responsibility to know and care about him, falls into the hands of his close family and friends, and those who choose to directly support him. My personal duty does not require I keep track and find up-to-date information about all things that happen in the life of another person.


Mr. Particular Person has endured loss this month. We feel an obligation to help.
It brings to surface a fascinating question. We find this knowledge here and there.

The question is:
As a decent individual of society, when are we required to help another person in need?
(... in a non-job related environment.)

We are required to help another person at times of great illness, poverty, or when a person has become harmful to himself, another person, or another person's property; For these cases it could directly lead to any person's death. Additionally, we must have the qualifications and resources to help.

From this answer, you'll find all these circumstances to volunteer required aid, have similarities. All are about physical or mental needs. Poverty requires a physical need - food or shelter. Illness requires a physical need - medical supplies or assistance. A criminal may require a mental need - a councilor.

In his time of need, am I (Donny) required to help Mr. Particular Person?
Mr. Particular Person's need, is emotional.
Generally, when there's not a physical or mental need, there is not a requirement to help.
Why? An emotional need may be one worse experience to endure, however it's not life-threatening. People don't usually die from an emotional need. Yet, physical and mental needs or requirements could directly lead to this end.

Some emotional needs are even imagined or created from exceptional circumstances.
Normally core emotional needs are supplied by friends and family. Emotionally, this regularly saves a person from any life-threatening situation. In dire times, they become immediately available and helpful.


I re-ask the question, but provide new answers.

When Mr. Particular Person is in a dire status, and perhaps even finds himself desperate for friendship, am I (Donny) required to give my friendship to a person who very much needs it?

All the troubles and hard times people encounter (above), normally are mental and physical. These examples of human suffering include also 1 component. It's scarcity.

All these people have a scarcity of shelter, scarcity of medical supplies and help, scarcity of people support, scarcity of sympathy, etc.

When every person on the globe is giving the greatest wealth of support to only one person, is there scarcity?
When Mr. Particular has a wealth of support, my extra support is not required. His emotional condition is not life-threatening.

Everyone needs someone.
In a world where an unlimited people exist and suffer, since each person can't split his time to personally help everyone in the world at once, and for every possible problem, nor have the expertise to do it, is why it's unreasonable to select to help the needs of everyone. We must make a good decision to select a few who we can sincerely help.
If all are tending to one person, then it's my responsibility to select someone else who needs my help, preferably someone in a life-threatening situation - for instance Covid victims.
I can freely choose to create a relationship to support, care, help, and befriend another person.

Next, we can categorize 2 urges. There are "needs" and there are "wants".
"Needs" require help (from scarcity of support). "Wants" are more similar to pampering (from wealth of support). Does he need it, or does he want it?
When a person is receiving an absolute wealth (emotional and mental and physical), it's likely not a true "need"; but rather, it's an extra "want".

Furthermore, to start a satisfying relationship out of the traits of a person's desperation is not a good idea. Desperate behavior includes his/her desperate actions that could ultimately put your own life in danger or jeopardy.

Lastly, please realize the reasons for my disinterest aren't solely dependent on these last few months. My final decision to not start a friendship happened some years back. In hard times like these, it's the friendships you've already earned who are the primary assistants that step forward.





-- November 17, 2022, 12pm PDT
~ Update: 11/19, 2:20am pst - Added "assist 3" to first sentence.
To clarify, added a sentence to "Need"