
This page tells about the simple color chart above.
For Mipa and Wife, the "special day" is unknown - whether it happened or will.
A couple of days ago this page was decided yet posted late. However, this leniency is ideal if said weeks before the special arriving day.
(Over years, the chart has been serving as a defense in response to Mipa.
Read the reason for it on the next page.)


For Mipa's Wife, the effect of the 3 color chart is erased. She is completely free to use any color she pleases. It's to clear any restriction and burden of. All restrictions for his Wife have been cleared. For a lifetime, she may forget the charts.


This is a celebratory time.
For Mipa, from the "special day" it happens to 1 month after the chart is temporarily discarded of its effect. Please feel free to use any color for a month period. The only exception is, as proof toward friendliness the bear icon will exclusively remain in effect for my prime use.
It's an easy date to remember, because it's the same day in next month.
After the month passes, it's necessary he resumes using his 5 selected colors.
Find well holidays.


Post: Aug 22, 2024, 1am pdt